
Beginner Football Classes

At Lions NXT Football Academy we understand that kids often develop the bug for football at different stages.

For some, this comes later. This can be triggered by things such as a World Cup or Euro tournament, perhaps a change of friendship group or school, or simply because suddenly all their mates are talking each week about their grass roots teams.

We understand that getting into football at the age of 9, 10, 11 may seem young; but often, by this age, some children have been playing 3 or 4 seasons at grass roots level. That can become a huge barrier to anyone wanting to start at a later age than their peers.

Luckily we have a solution. 

All Ages & Abilities Welcomed

Our classes are structured around a combination of age and ability. So there is a place for everyone at Lions NXT Generation. Whatever your ability or starting point. For those starting out, there’s no need to be worried. You’ll get placed in a group at a similar level and encouraged to have fun, first and foremost. We’re confident that you child will have a positive experience and before too long they’ll be able to get stuck in and mix it up with their peers.

KICK START YOUR CHILD's Football journey

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