

To enrol your child or children onto our weekly classes please complete the enrolment form below.

Step 1. Please fill out the form details below.

Step 2. We’ll send you a thank you email to acknowledge your request

Step 3. We’ll then send you a follow up email  confirming your space is reserved, confirm your pricing & provide a link to set up your direct debit

Step 4. Click on the link and set your direct debit up
(Please note, your session place will only be held for 48 hours whilst we await your direct debit to be enabled)

Step 5. We’ll see you at your first session!

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Your details

Please enter your details.
Your Name

Childrens details

Please enter your childrens details.
Child 1's Weekly Session (select only one)
If your are only booking one child, please leave this blank
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